Series A: Patex(14th DEC)
To buy Patex, a comprehensive network and solutions provider for Latin America (LATAM) to helps bridge regulators everyday users:
Series A is currently available to ALL Tier holders.
1. Stake the minimum required OXB amount before the staking cut-off: 14th December 2023, 0001 UTC.
2. Head over to the Contribution page to buy on the 14th December 2023, 1000UTC onwards.
3. The Series A sale is also conducted via KWAI, read the medium here.
For full details, read on:
The adoption of blockchain in the Latin America(LATAM) region has led to the emergence of digital assets, challenging the reliance on traditional central bank money. Notably, El Salvador when legalizing Bitcoin in 2021. LATAM is definitely one of the promising regions in the next steps of cryptocurrency exchange and educational platform in the blockchain industry, as the demand grows higher. While this shift presents opportunities to address financial inclusion issues and reduce international transaction costs, it also poses risks for LATAM nations. Factors such as macroeconomic vulnerabilities, historical instability, low institutional credibility, and large informal sectors increase the susceptibility of these countries to risks associated with crypto assets.
With central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), digital fiat currencies, are explored globally and in LATAM to enhance financial market efficiency and cross-border payments. Despite potential benefits, the widespread adoption of these digital assets poses challenges, especially in regions with a history of macroeconomic instability and low institutional credibility.
Patex aims to be the leading digital finance company, actively contributing to the broader acceptance of digital currencies through expertise in blockchain technology and digital currency implementation.
A series A round is the name typically given to a company’s first significant round of financing.
Participating in the Sale
Qualifying Deadline: Stake OXB by 14th December 2023, 0001UTC
Tier 1 & 2 Contribution : 14th Dec, 1000 UTC — 15th Dec, 1000 UTC
Tier 3 Contribution : 15th Dec, 1100 UTC — 1130 UTC FCFS
Tier-3 Whitelist Link:
For Contribution, head over to:TBC
To find out how to contribute, read here.
Please be advised that contribution will be conducted in USDT (on BNB Chain)
Claiming the Tokens:
Upon TGE, token claims can be claimed at the Oxbull Homepage.
Any unclaimed tokens will be accumulated for future claims.
Please follow the official Oxbull telegram group for further details of the claim time and changes, if any.
IMPORTANT NOTES: Qualification of all Tiers will require STAKING. In the event where an Investor who has not Staked but has the required number of holdings SHALL NOT be eligible for the aforementioned tiers.
Staked holdings are required to be maintained until project listing. Any dips below the required holding amount will DISQUALIFY the investor for the project being launched at the time even if the investor has already contributed. No IDO Tokens will be provided and No Refunds will be made.
Each qualified address will only be eligible for ONE transaction. Meaning if an address is qualified for tier 1, they will not be qualified for tier 2.
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