Uniping: Unicorn in the making [UPDATE]
The Uniping team has been hard at work for the product launch to be ready in conjunction with the Pre-sale on Oxbull.Tech.
With a clean, sleek and intuitive UI, the following GUI snapshots are taken from Uniping’s working product prior to launch.
Whilst development for Uniswap is completed, the works for PancakeSwap are currently incomplete. The Uniping team has highlighted challenges in the completion originating from quality control and expressed a strong passion in only releasing a Complete and Quality Assured product.
Being committed to quality and transparency, Oxbull.tech and Uniping has brought the matter to the attention of the Community to achieve a consensus on the way forward.
After voting, the community’s consensus was for the IDO to be delayed until the Uniping app has been completed.
Further details of the Uniping relaunch would be released in due course.
Uniping’s Whitepaper available here.
To find out more about Uniping, visit:
- Website: https://uniping.io/
- Telegram: https://t.me/uniping
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