Strategic Partnerships: Save Britney x Oxbull.Tech
Britney Spears was put under conservatorship following her the perceived public breakdown in 2008. Following a year of seemingly erratic behavior, the singer was put under a “5150 hold” in a psychiatric hospital for a mental health evaluation.
At the time, her father petitioned courts for an emergency “temporary” conservatorship, alluding to the fact that his daughter was unable to properly care and manage herself amid her mental health struggles.
From there, Jamie was given the legal right to oversee and make decisions regarding Britney’s finances, health, business deals, and personal life which he managed up until 2019.
But earlier this year a lawyer for the singer requested a hearing where she could address “the court directly” about her conservatorship. In the much-anticipated hearing in a Los Angeles courtroom on 23 June, the star asked the judge to end the “abusive” conservatorship, sparking huge concerns on whether such an approach has ever been made in Britney’s best interest.
Issues of civil liberties and human rights have been urged to lawmakers to enact legislative change that could help those trapped in exploitative arrangements.
At Oxbull.Tech, we believe that everybody are born free and should have their equals in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
SaveBritney is a project that is currently already live on Uniswap. It is a project designed to aid Britney and her attorneys to help her ongoing conservatorship battle.
With our partnership, SaveBritney shall be acting as an accelerator to bring forth more credible projects onto OxBull. And in return, successful project launches via the Acceleration Program shall enable Oxbull to also contribute to SaveBritney and play our parts in supporting the cause for human rights and integrity.
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