Oxbull’s NFT Project: Space Cowboy.

Mar 8, 2021

🚀Space Cowboy aims to be the NFT platform for digital art and assets related to the theme of sci fi, bulls, and space memes.

💎Space Cowboy (SCB)Tokenomics
Max supply 100,000 SCB

Presale 17,500 SCB
Pancakeswap liquidity 15,000 SCB
Airdrop 10,000 SCB
Staking 22,500 SCB
Team + Marketing 10,000 SCB
Partnership/listing 25,000 SCB

  • We will list rare NFT in our NFT store for sale, designed by our own designers. Our new website focus on the theme of: space cowboys, moon/meme, bulls.
  • We will announce details of our space farm for OXB and SCB to farm SCB after successful launch on Saturday 27th Feb.
  • SCB platform is the first iteration of NFT platform from Oxbull.Tech, which is targeted to be extended with partnership from top design universities students in months to come. (in talks)

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Bullish Action, Bullish Result. Top launchpad in both current ROI and all-time high ROI.