Participating in Solana IDOs with OXS

3 min readJul 26, 2021


Please note that this guide is for IDOs on Solana using OXS, for IDOs on BSC with OXB, please click here.

First and Foremost, please do ensure that you’ve satisfy the criteria set out to qualify for the pre-sale, take a deep breath, relax, and wait for the arrival of the Pre-sale date and allocated time slot for your qualified tier. Check your eligibility here. Eligible wallets would look like so with their respective snapshot records:

Please note that there will be difficulties to access Solana based DApps with TrustWallet as it does not support multiple tabs as required by Solana transactions (ie: with Sollet). Under such circumstances, a normal browser such as Google Chrome can be used instead.

On the day of listing

About half an hour before the start of the Pre-sale, the Telegram group would be muted so that the Oxbull team would be able to provide further details and updates to the community in an orderly fashion. Once the time for your allocated time has arrived, visit Oxbull.Tech’s website to access the Solana Pool on the top right. (Please do ensure that you enter the right Pool! hint, it’s the one with the Solana logo)

Once in the pool page, connect to your supported wallet:

via the following supported wallets:

and the Pool page should load with list of the ongoing Project Pre-launch with the following:

  • An indicator to highlight which tier you have qualified for. (There won’t be any indicators for the Public Sale tier and you’ll just have to wait until the allocated time starts.)
  • A countdown for when the tier would be open, and when it is open, a countdown for the allocated time before it closes.
  • Details of the Minimum and Maximum each tier would be able to contribute

From there onwards, when the allocated time for your tier becomes open, a field will appear for you to input your Pre-sale contribution. From there on, you simply input your intended contribution, submit and approve the steps accordingly in your wallet.

Once completed, the Pool page should reflect your contributed amount as with a Transaction Hash.

And you’re done!

Do note that each qualified address would only be allowed ONE SINGLE TRANSACTION. So please ensure that the input amount is firmed and final before proceeding further.

Congratulations, you’ve just participated in an OXS IDO on Solana!

Now just keep yourself updated via Oxbull’s Telegram group on the listing process.

Once done , the tokens shall be credited to your wallet accordingly unless specified otherwise.

Last but not least, if you have any further queries, head on to the Telegram group for further assistance!

See you at the Moon!


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